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“most dishonorably”
dishonorably (adverb), more dishonorably, most dishonorably
1. Referring to how a person acts in a disgraceful way: Ted should have known better, but he behaved dishonorably and shamefully towards his parents, and was therefore sent to his room without dinner!
2. Describing how something occurs in a shocking or deplorable manner: The grades Jack got in school were dishonorably poor and disgusting and he failed in almost every subject!
3. Pertaining to how something happens in a contemptible or blameworthy manner: Sam was dishonorably discharged from the army after he was caught stealing many times from his comrades.
2. Describing how something occurs in a shocking or deplorable manner: The grades Jack got in school were dishonorably poor and disgusting and he failed in almost every subject!
3. Pertaining to how something happens in a contemptible or blameworthy manner: Sam was dishonorably discharged from the army after he was caught stealing many times from his comrades.
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dis-, di-, dif-
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honor-, hono-, honest-
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